Dear Mr Trump:
We at view your ascension as an exhilarating opportunity. It's time for all decent folks — tens of millions — to crank up Bernie Sanders' progressive political revolution for real. It takes a grain of sand to be an irritant, causing an oyster to create a pearl. You are that irritant, Mr. Trump. Thank you for your service. Though everyone is breathlessly talking about you, please remember: you are nothing but a grain of sand. Put another way, this is really not about you, it's about us. Switching metaphors. . . Vaccines generate a healthy response by revving up the body's immune system. Perhaps a bracing dose of you, Mr Trump, with your seedy following of hatemongers and corrupt cronies, will finally stir up the body politic. Time to strongly reject the gradual attacks that both major parties have made on millions of American families over the past 40 years, crippling us like a chronic wasting disease. Enough is enough. You could be the inoculation we have needed. Perhaps only someone as noxious as you could finally generate a healthy, overwhelming immune response. It speaks poorly of our nation and people that we let things get this bad before mounting a massive response, like someone with a weak immune system. But at least it's happening. We hope. So regardless of what we think of you, Mr Trump, we can think of ourselves as a humble part of the body politic's immune system at long last kicking into high gear. A pearl, a healthy body politic — whichever view you prefer, the opportunity is ours now. In aikido, they say an adversary's attack is his gift to you. You have given us this precious gift, Mr Trump. It's up to us to use it. Or lose it.
Arguably, the four saddest words in the English language are, "We told you so."
During the 2016 Democratic primaries, clues everywhere pointed to Hillary Clinton being a shockingly weak candidate against the GOP. More than 150 polls matched Sanders and Clinton, respectively, against various GOP contenders. Sanders outperformed Clinton 90 percent of the time. Some of Clinton's results were troubling. She lost where she should have won. There was no secret about any of this. All the information was there, readily accessed. made it even easier by tallying these poll results for anyone who cared about evidence versus wishful fantasy. "There are none so blind as those who will not see." —John Heywood, 1546 As a result, many well-meaning voters said, "I like Bernie, but I'm voting for Hillary because she's more electable" — an irony that yesterday's general election results transformed into tragic irony. To everyone who chose Clinton over Sanders in the primaries, knowing — knowing — he was the better choice: one might reasonably say, you are responsible for a reality-show blowhard being elected President of the United States. This is a teachable moment. 1. Pay attention to evidence. Please. 2. Never, ever settle again for the lesser of two evils. Fight for better. Demand it. 3. Use the triumph of Trump as the defining moment in which a progressive political revolution really does sweep America — with you actively participating. Yes, you. As we said, a teachable moment. |