Today (3/15/17) Fox News released findings of its latest favorability survey: Bernie Sanders still outperforms every other politician covered by the poll, which Fox News revisits every few months. In this latest poll of some 1,000 registered Democratic, Republican and Independent voters reached in mid-March, 61 percent see Sanders favorably. By contrast, only 44 percent of respondents view Donald Trump favorably. What about "net favorability"? (That's the favorable minus unfavorable score.) Sanders again trumps the field with a 29-point net positive. Our illegitimate president — a White House squatter who lost the popular vote by 2.9 million votes cast — now scores a net favorablilty of minus 9. A year ago, during the presidential primaries, over 150 poll results tallied here at clearly predicted today's favorability scores. Sanders was trouncing Trump then, and he's trouncing him now. Obviously this is not a beauty or charm contest: Sanders lacks both. It's about his "walk the walk," no-nonsense, no-bull integrity (can you imagine anyone more the opposite of Trump?). And his solid progressive policies (ditto). These are why Bernie Sanders is America's most popular politician.